
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

More Good Day Oregon

Tune in tomorrow morning to Fox Channel 12 for my interview on More Good Day Oregon.  This will be the third time I've done some kind of segment for Television and I'll let you be the judge of how I do.  I'm not sure if it's getting easier or I am just delirious from sleep deprivation between getting ready for the Portland Bazaar and having a 7 month old, who sometimes decides not to sleep.

Secondly,  tomorrow I will be releasing an e-book of my patterns, including the Textured Marbled Beret, Snail Twist Headband, Softwaves Magnum,  Pivot Ruffle Cloche, and Snail Twist Cowl.  It will be available on Ravelry and through Etsy! I'll blog/post/tweet when it's up!

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